Gobierno de rio negro
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Resultados de búsqueda en Artículos

Governor Arabela Carreras received today in Bariloche the Uruguayan delegation of the Ente Binacional de la Represa de Salto Grande, with whom she discussed the possibility of entering into agreements to work together for the development of Green Hydrogen.
Governor Arabela Carreras, as part of Argentina's delegation, will travel to Paris, France, to meet with the 170 delegates of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), in order to support Bariloche's candidacy to host the Specialized Expo 2027.
This morning in Bariloche, the Secretary of State for Planning of the Province, Daniel Sanguinetti, attended the Inter-University Meeting of the Americas, where he gave a detailed presentation on the green hydrogen project, which is being developed in Río Negro.
The State Secretary for Planning, Daniel Sanguinetti, attended today the conference "Clean Hydrogen and Energy Transition", organized by the National Chamber of Deputies.
The Governor of Río Negro, Arabela Carreras, reinforced the great possibility of transformation and development that Río Negro and the country have with the production of Green Hydrogen, at the 28th Industrial Conference Producir Transforma of the UIA. The event took place in the City of Buenos Aires.
In the framework of the Más Futuro program, neighbors of San Antonio Este, who were trained as waiters and waitresses and in cooking, received their corresponding certificates.
This morning, in the framework of the Micaela Law, agents, officers and employees of the State Secretariat of Planning, and the head of the Secretariat, Daniel Sanguinetti, attended a Training and Awareness Day on gender violence at the Casona "Bachi Chironi" in Viedma.
The Governor of Río Negro, Arabela Carreras, will attend this Thursday in the City of Buenos Aires the 28th Producir Transforma Industrial Conference, which will have as its theme "global reconfiguration and opportunities for Argentine value chains".
Governor Arabela Carreras met with the National Secretary of Energy, Flavia Royón, to analyze aspects of the ALIPIBA 2 project that will be announced tomorrow by the National Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa. The meeting took place in Bariloche and they analyze the progress of the Hydrogen Law project.
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