Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

Energy and production: at the UIA Carreras promoted hydrogen development

The Governor of Río Negro, Arabela Carreras, reinforced the great possibility of transformation and development that Río Negro and the country have with the production of Green Hydrogen, at the 28th Industrial Conference Producir Transforma of the UIA. The event took place in the City of Buenos Aires.

Fecha: 10 de noviembre de 2022
Carreras presented during the traditional conference of the Argentine Industrial UnionCrédito: Secretariat of Communication of Río Negro / Evangelina Martínez

The Industrial Union of Argentina (UIA) held its traditional meeting under the slogan "Global reconfiguration and opportunities for Argentine value chains", in which Carreras spoke about the great commitment of the Province with hydrogen, an occasion in which he stressed the importance of government involvement in projects of this nature to achieve social consensus.

We presented to the auditorium of the @UIAok the first project and Strategic Plan for Green Hydrogen in the country. In #RioNegro we have geographic characteristics and a technological scientific background that increase the value of natural resources and strengthen the productive matrix. pic.twitter.com/hK5phfTf8c

- Arabela Carreras (@ArabelaCarreras) November 10, 2022

"We were the first to put the issue of green hydrogen on the agenda; we saw an opportunity in Río Negro, in Patagonia in general, combining geographical characteristics and a very important technological scientific heritage," emphasized Carreras.

"Today the world advanced enough that we see in hydrogen an opportunity to have transportable energy, which is the key, to produce it in a place in the world and to be able to export it, which does not release greenhouse gases, that is, a clean energy, essential in the scenario of the energy transition", she added.

Rio Negro has been working with different governments and companies in this sense: "We are in contact with a group of governments and international companies and we are making progress with the German embassy in different studies and the Australian company Fortescue will make an investment of 8.4 billion dollars".

As regards the fact of having a regulatory framework to make it possible, the Governor said, "governments need to get directly involved when there are large-scale projects, in our case we started working first and basically with social consensus and climate change because we believe that this is the way to go".

"Today the project has the regulatory framework approved in Río Negro, it has a private initiative presented, we are with the pre-feasibility and environmental impact studies and also in the wind measurement stage," she explained.

A Hydrogen Law will be key in this context, a project that will be introduced in the next few days.

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