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The Secretariat of Planning trained on gender violence

This morning, in the framework of the Micaela Law, agents, officers and employees of the State Secretariat of Planning, and the head of the Secretariat, Daniel Sanguinetti, attended a Training and Awareness Day on gender violence at the Casona "Bachi Chironi" in Viedma.

Fecha: 8 de noviembre de 2022
The Provincial Government reinforces its commitment to eliminate gender violenceCrédito: Government of Río Negro

After the presentation " Extreme gender-based violence: the case of femicides" by Dr. Daniela Heim, professor and researcher at the National University of Río Negro, more than 40 participants discussed about the different types of violence, protocols for action and concluded with a practical group activity.

"The idea was to deepen the contents addressed during the workshops on the Micaela Law that, at the Governor's request, we carried out some time ago with the members of all the provincial agencies", said the Secretary of Coordination of the State Secretariat of Planning, Natalia Pretz.

"As a result of the relevance of these meetings, our Secretariat wanted to deepen the topic, reinforce concepts, and organize a second meeting to deepen concepts and analyze concrete situations and practical protocols," she said.

She emphasized the commitment of Florencia del Barrio and Martina Morana, Coordination and Legal Affairs Directors of the State Secretariat of Planning, and representatives of the organization in the Provincial Committee for the Integral Approach of Public Policies with a Gender Perspective, who organized the event and made Dr. Heim's presence possible.

"Next November 25 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and this kind of activities reaffirm the commitment that all the areas of the Government of Río Negro have with a problem that can only be fought by raising awareness, and that all of us know the laws, programs and devices that exist", she concluded.

Finally, Dr. Heim pointed out the initiative of the Secretariat of Planning aimed at addressing this issue within the framework of the Micaela Law within the organism, and extending it to all the agents, officials and employees who are part of it.

Berenice Anaya and Celeste González, representatives of the Secretariat of Coordination of Public Policies with a Gender Perspective of the Ministry of Government and Community, also attended the event.

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