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In Paris, Carreras supports Bariloche's candidature for Expo 2027

Governor Arabela Carreras, as part of Argentina's delegation, will travel to Paris, France, to meet with the 170 delegates of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), in order to support Bariloche's candidacy to host the Specialized Expo 2027.

Fecha: 18 de noviembre de 2022
Carreras will explain why Bariloche is a viable projectCrédito: Government of Río Negro

The National Minister of Tourism and Sports, Matías Lammens and the Mayor of Bariloche, Gustavo Gennuso, will be with Carreras, as well as the Argentine Ambassador in France, Leonardo Costantino.

After the BIE concluded that Bariloche "is a viable project", on November 28 Argentina will defend its candidacy before all the delegates of the international organization.

The Expo 2027 is an event that will bring together countries from all over the world, based on meetings and dialogue between nations, proposing an opportunity to rethink how to face global problems.

They will share advances, innovations, developments and cultural aspects related to nature and sustainable energy. The project was developed by the three jurisdictions -Municipality, Province and Nation-, with the aim of hosting Latin America for the first time in history.

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