Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

Certificates were awarded in San Antonio Este under the Más Futuro program.

In the framework of the Más Futuro program, neighbors of San Antonio Este, who were trained as waiters and waitresses and in cooking, received their corresponding certificates.

Fecha: 8 de noviembre de 2022
Training courses continue in Río Negro.Crédito: Government of Río Negro

These workshops, which are part of the program Trabajo Más Futuro, are included in the provincial policy on Green Hydrogen, providing tools to cope with employment in the future.

Therefore, more than 30 participants received their certificates of completion of waiters and waitresses and cooking courses, training that provides them with the necessary skills for a future insertion in the labor market.

This training was carried out based on the agreement entered into between the Government of Río Negro, through Governor Arabela Carreras and the Minister of Labor, Jorge Stopiello, the national government through the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security and the support of the Union of Tourism, Hotel and Gastronomic Workers of the Argentine Republic -UTHGRA-.

The Minister of Labor, Jorge Stopiello, emphasized, "This type of training is useful for the present and will be useful for the immediate future in which Río Negro will require not only more labor but also a specialized labor force".

Thus, the Más Futuro program continues providing training and new tools for the labor world, in order to face the demand that will arise with the investments coming from the Green Hydrogen project in the Province.

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