Gobierno de rio negro
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Resultados de búsqueda en Artículos

This morning, the Secretary of State for Planning, Daniel Sanguinetti, presented to the plenary of commissions in the Legislature, the main outlines of the provincial Green Hydrogen Production Project, in the context of the declaration of provincial public interest of the initiative presented by the company Fortescue Future Industries.
This morning, Governor Arabela Carreras attended a presentation by economist Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and external advisor to the Economic and Social Council.
As part of the green hydrogen training courses carried out by the Ministry of Labor of Río Negro by means of the Más Futuro program, a course for waiters and waitresses will be in San Antonio Oeste.
Many people attended the training for waiters and waitresses, which took place in the city of Sierra Grande. About thirty people of different ages attended this training organized by the Ministry of Labor of Río Negro with the support of the Unión de Trabajadores Hoteleros y Gastronómicos (UTHGRA, in spanish) Atlantic Zone.
The Government presented to the provincial legislators of the Frente de Todos, Juntos por el Cambio and Frente Renovador blocks, the details of the project on the private initiative proposed by Fortescue Future Industries for the production of Green Hydrogen.
A team of representatives of the Government presented to the legislators of Juntos Somos Río Negro (JSRN) details of the project of law that establishes the conditions of the private initiative presented by Fortescue Future Industries, aimed at the production of Green Hydrogen in Río Negro.
The Governor, Arabela Carreras, submitted to the Legislature the law project that establishes the conditions to advance in the private initiative proposed by the company Fortescue Future Industries, aimed at the production of Green Hydrogen in Río Negro.
The Governor, Arabela Carreras, sent to the Legislature the project of law that establishes the Agency for the Promotion and Control of the Production and Export Complex of the Free Trade Zone in Sierra Grande.
Authorities of the technological team of the Australian company Fortescue Future Industries presented this Tuesday, in Bariloche, the project to produce Green Hydrogen in Río Negro, before an audience of academic, scientific and technological referents of the Andean city and the region.
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