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Law proposes the establishment of an Agency for the Promotion of the Free Trade Zone in Sierra Grande.

The Governor, Arabela Carreras, sent to the Legislature the project of law that establishes the Agency for the Promotion and Control of the Production and Export Complex of the Free Trade Zone in Sierra Grande.

Fecha: 5 de abril de 2022
The Free Trade Zone is located in Sierra GrandeCrédito: Government of Río Negro

This new step in the recovery process of this area will provide special conditions for the arrival of new companies that want to invest, or the development and growth of those that are already established in the province.

The aim of this agency is to promote and spread the advantages of the Free Trade Zone, coordinating and articulating transversal public policies that enhance the establishment of investments and provide a field of development that allows the confluence of public and private productive forces.

The Free Trade Zone is a central public policy aimed at fostering competitiveness through the reduction of tax costs, which represents an area of great attractiveness for the setting up of investments, industries and large-scale projects. 

The establishment of a new promotion strategy of these characteristics is the result of a favorable scenario of growing demand for productive projects in the provincial area, whose development is being carried out with the support of the National Government. The Free Trade Zone is expected to trigger a demand for industries and logistic platforms with a fast impact on the economy, trade and exports.

Structure of the Agency

The Agency, which will operate under the name of "Corporación Punta Colorada", will assume the role of Oversight Committee once the operation of the Free Trade Zone has been approved. The Board of Directors will be made up of three representatives appointed by the Executive Power, one representative designated by the Municipality of Sierra Grande and one representative of the business and production entities.

In addition, the project foresees the incorporation of an Executive Management of the Agency, which will be in charge of the administrative and technical management, performing and enforcing all the resolutions and provisions adopted by the Board of Directors.

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