Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

Río Negro Más Futuro: new training courses on green hydrogen continue

As part of the green hydrogen training courses carried out by the Ministry of Labor of Río Negro by means of the Más Futuro program, a course for waiters and waitresses will be in San Antonio Oeste.

Fecha: 13 de abril de 2022
The first training was recently held in Sierra Grande.Crédito: Government of Río Negro

This training, which is part of the Green Hydrogen project and all the activities that the megaproject will generate in the region, will take place between the 25 and 29 of April.

In addition to Labor, the Municipality of San Antonio Oeste and Unión de Trabajadores Hoteleros y Gastronómicos (UTHGRA, in spanish) Atlantic Region will cooperate in the organization.

The meeting will last 20 hours, divided into 4 hours a day for 5 days, in two different groups: one in the morning (from 9 am to 1 pm) and the other in the afternoon (from 4 pm to 8 pm).

The course includes theoretical and practical activities and provides certificates; in addition, there will be 30 participants per course.

Enrollment is in person from April 18, at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Labor, at Victoria Street Nº144 in San Antonio Oeste, from 8 to 12.30 am.

The training will be at Moon Multiespacio, at 2585 Autómovil Club Argentino Street.

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