Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

Green hydrogen: provincial legislators reviewed the project

The Government presented to the provincial legislators of the Frente de Todos, Juntos por el Cambio and Frente Renovador blocks, the details of the project on the private initiative proposed by Fortescue Future Industries for the production of Green Hydrogen.

Fecha: 8 de abril de 2022
Legislators reviewed the details of the projectCrédito: Government of Río Negro

On Thursday 7, during meetings between the representatives of the Government in charge of the Green Hydrogen project, and the legislators of each block, reviewed the projects that will be discussed soon in commissions on the conditions of the private initiative of Fortescue Future Industries, for the production of Green Hydrogen with renewable energy.

The Government's proposal is to declare of provincial public interest the private initiative presented by the Argentine company Fortescue Future Industries, for carrying out all the necessary infrastructure works for the generation of renewable electric energy exclusively for the production of green hydrogen.

The other initiative that was discussed is the setting up of the Río Negro Free Trade Zone, for which the "Corporación Punta Colorada" would be created to promote and monitor the Production and Export Development of the Río Negro Free Trade Zone.

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