Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

The province has new graduates in Green Hydrogen

Governor Arabela Carreras participated today in Viedma in the awarding of certificates corresponding to the second cohort of the Green Hydrogen Extension Diploma at the National University of Río Negro

Fecha: 22 de noviembre de 2023
The Governor together with UNRN authorities presented the diplomas to the new graduatesCrédito: Evangelina Martinez / Government of Río Negro

The event took place on the campus of the University and was attended by the deputy vice chancellor of the Atlantic Campus, Daniel Barrio, and the president of the Institute of Green Hydrogen, Patricio Solimano. At the same time, there was a simultaneous connection from the hybrid classroom in Bariloche, the director of the University Extension Diploma, Juan Carlos Bolcich.

These are 66 new graduates, in addition to the 36 who already graduated in 2022. This year, the course was delivered in the virtual modality, lasting three months and with limited places, with the participation of 16 professors and specialists from all over the country.

This training aims to bring theoretical content to the population free of charge through a scholarship system, seeking to promote the development, training, and provision of trained human resources to consolidate the Green Hydrogen Strategic Plan promoted by the Government of Río Negro.

At the opening, Carreras thanked the students for their commitment to this new stage. "Thank you for trusting in such a new subject, if we do not encourage ourselves to be innovators and pioneers, we will hardly change everything we consider necessary. The planet has problems with climate change, so we set out to move forward with different strategies," she said.

"This energy transformation, which is economic, and where energy is key, belongs to everyone, so we have to work together. Rio Negro has the first Green Hydrogen Strategic Plan in the country, and we presented it to the world in France."

The governor also highlighted the comprehensive development plan, with the support of universities, provincial programmes, and job training in various areas related to the subject, which will be essential in the future, considering the growth that the production of green hydrogen will bring to the territory of the province of Río Negro.

Bolcich said, "I thank Governor Carreras and all her team who have decided to support this diploma course, with the desire to continue firmly in all the areas where we can to continue sowing knowledge that adds fundamentals."

Meanwhile, the deputy vice-chancellor of the UNRN, Daniel Barrio, said: "We at the university are interested in promoting these training courses, which, although they are short courses, allow us to respond to the demands of the development agenda. It is necessary to start working on the new needs that the community is identifying; urgent needs that are emerging and for which we have made a great commitment."

Finally, Solimano explained that "the function was to try to train people who could give the discussion a high level, with quality, with a concept, with new ideas and who understand what they are talking about".

"The important thing is that the province generated this, a desire to have a process of development with a certain line and called on the university to generate more tools, which is why it is central."

The Secretary of State for Planning, Daniel Sanguinetti, the Chief of Cabinet, Pablo Zúcaro, the Ministers of Government and Community, Mariano Ferrari, of Economy, Luis Vaisberg, and of Tourism and Sports, Diego Cannestraci, were also present. The Secretary of Planning Coordination, Natalia Pretz, the President of IPAP, Martín Alcalde, the deputy vice Chancellor of the Andean Campus of the UNRN, Diego Aguiar, the Undersecretary of Expansion of the Alto Valle and Valle Medio Campus, Leandro Bustos, and other authorities of the University.

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