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Presentation of the master plan for the industrial park in Los Menucos

Consulting firm Grupo Siei SRL presented this week the master plan for the development of the Industrial Park in Los Menucos. The engineering company in charge of the project developed the proposal, which was financed by the Federal Investment Council.

Fecha: 21 de octubre de 2023
The team presented the progress of the projectCrédito: Government of Río Negro

This Thursday's meeting was attended by the Mayor of Los Menucos, Mabel Yahuar, and representatives from the State Planning Secretariat, Natalia Pretz, and Marta Corvalán.

The new industrial park will be built on a 50-hectare site on the National Road 23, within the so-called Southern Region System, a corridor that links Bariloche to Viedma and brings together the local manufacturing industry. 

The development of the initiative, which has been designed in collaboration with representatives of the company Eólica Rionegrina, includes a link with the provincial Green Hydrogen Project, which will provide a great opportunity for the productive development of the province of Río Negro. 

According to the study's estimates, the industrial park would create 600 jobs in an orderly manner and in an industrial and development environment, and the possibility of expansion would allow for potential industrial sites to produce wind turbine components in the city, among other areas. 

"The consultant has outlined logistical and infrastructural features linked to sustainability, based on Rio Negro's clear commitment to the environment," said the Secretary of State for Planning, Daniel Sanguinetti. 

Therefore, strategic planning includes sustainable architecture and environmentally friendly buildings, based on the optimisation of resources and materials. 

The master plan also includes the possibility of creating a system for collecting and using rainwater. Renewable energy will be used in traffic lights, road signs, and photovoltaic panels, and there will be solar stations and sustainable mobility routes, such as cycle paths, cycle lanes, and electric minibuses, depending on demand. Waste management is also part of the project since it is expected that the more than 300 kilos of waste produced daily once the park is fully occupied will be recycled into compost and fertiliser (organic waste), while the system of industrial symbiosis opportunities will allow some industries to recycle the waste of others for their own production. 

"The creation of the Los Menucos Industrial Park is an opportunity for the productive development of the region, allowing the emergence of industries that add value to the production of minerals at source," said the town's mayor, Mabel Yahuar. 

She also assured that the park "will respond to the demand of existing industries that want to move to a sector that offers adequate and modern infrastructure and will promote a potential demand for new large industries driven by the great green hydrogen project that is being promoted in the province".

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