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Green Hydrogen

Green Hydrogen: a project to install a wind farm in Cerro Policía

Governor Arabela Carreras sent to the Provincial Legislature the law bill with Ministers' Agreement that aims to approve the agreement entered into between Eólica Rionegrina SA (ERSA) and Fortescue Future Industries with the objective of moving forward with the installation of a wind farm in Cerro Policía, within the framework of the Green Hydrogen Strategic Plan.

Fecha: 6 de octubre de 2023
The bill is part of the Green Hydrogen Strategic Plan.Crédito: Government of Río Negro

The Governor said that the initiative "is part of the investment projects that Rio Negro is promoting for the production of Green Hydrogen, which positions us as a strategic and pioneering region in the field, with its own Plan". 

The agreement aims to implement a private investment project for the installation of a wind farm, in order to achieve the objectives of clean energy and the commitment to a sustainable future for the people of Río Negro.

The Secretary of State for Planning, Daniel Sanguinetti, explained that they would try to get "the approval of the contract signed between Fortescue and Eólica, which is a subsidiary company of INVAP Sociedad del Estado".

Sanguinetti explained that the agreement is for "Eólica to sell Fortescue the preliminary project, the relevant studies and the corresponding authorisations for the installation of a wind farm project in the area of Cerro Policía".

It is important to remember that by means of Law Nº 5.560, the private initiative presented by Fortescue for the execution of the necessary infrastructure works for the generation of electric energy from renewable sources for the production of Green Hydrogen was declared to be of provincial public interest.

In addition, it is stressed that in order to achieve the objective of producing Green Hydrogen, all the energy used in the process must come from renewable sources. Therefore, through the wind farm it would be possible to supply the energy produced to the interconnected system with the consequent extraction of energy in the H2V production plant of the same system.

Accordingly, ERSA executed the corresponding agreements with AFFISA, which must be approved by the legislative body, through which the transfer of the use of public lands is agreed and an appendix is established in which management rules are agreed and established to improve coordination and provide security to the rural inhabitants of the area.

The Secretary highlighted the importance of the project's approval by the Legislature, as this "gives greater legal security to this type of contract". "It is one more instance of this serious, responsible and hard-working project," he added.

"This also generates manpower and genuine work, this type of investment will bring a lot of work in the installation and consolidation of the wind farm, which is excellent news for the people of Río Negro," concluded Sanguinetti.

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