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Green Hydrogen

Education carries on the training program "Energy, Environment and Hydrogen

This month, the Ministry of Education and Human Rights will carry on the training program on "Energy, Environment and Hydrogen" with in-person and practical training for teachers at the Balseiro Institute in Bariloche, from June 12 to 16.

Fecha: 8 de junio de 2023
The training will be in-person and practical for teachersCrédito: Government of Río Negro

Teachers of Technical Professional Education (ETP, in Spanish) who attended two previous virtual instances in 2022 will be part of the proposal. In these previous activities, there was a virtual instance in charge of Engineer Fabiana Gennari, teacher at the Balseiro Institute and senior researcher at CONICET. Then, a virtual meeting entitled "The role of Hydrogen in the energy transition" was organized.

The training, which will be in charge of engineer Fabiana Gennari, will help teachers to deepen their knowledge and acquire practical skills related to energy, the environment and hydrogen.

During the training, the schools represented by their teachers will have access to a hydrogen kit from Fundación Siemens, with which both students and teachers will have the opportunity to experience firsthand the use and applications of hydrogen.

The proposal will include contents such as energy transition and sustainability, production and storage of hydrogen and its applications in different sectors. In addition, energy efficiency, mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, use of clean and renewable technologies, biotechnology and transformation of waste into resources, as well as the use of equipment and laboratory tools related to the subject.

Fabiana Gennari is a leading chemical engineer with more than 80 published scientific papers. Her research areas focus on the development of nanostructured materials for applications in alternative energy and environmental care. She received several awards, including the L'Oréal-UNESCO National Award "For Women in Science."

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