Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

Teachers from Rio Negro were trained in Energy, Environment and Hydrogen

On Friday, the Ministry of Education and Human Rights closed the in-person training program on Energy, Environment and Hydrogen, in which teachers from Technical Professional Education (ETP) schools attended. This event took place at the Balseiro Institute, in San Carlos de Bariloche.

Fecha: 17 de junio de 2023
The in-person stage of the training activity finishedCrédito: Government of Río Negro

The aim of the proposal was to train teachers to learn technical knowledge and promote technological updating related to the use of energy, environmental care, and hydrogen as a vector for the energy transition.

The in-person stage was in charge of different specialists from the National Atomic Energy Commission, Bariloche Foundation, and the NGO 500RPM. It was developed over a week.

The participants agreed to practice with hydrogen kits that Siemens Foundation will donate to the schools of the teachers who attended the event. Therefore, students and teachers will be able to experiment on the use and applications of hydrogen.

This training proposal will finish next month, the participants will have to hand in a document based on what was exchanged in this meeting, which will focus on the development and implementation of a work with students, involving the knowledge acquired during the conference.

The activity had the collaboration of the Balseiro Institute in all academic aspects, giving a great intellectual value to the activity. It also had the support of the Siemens Foundation, and representatives of the Pampa Energy Foundation, UTN, INVAP and the local Municipality attended the event. The Secretary of Extension and Scientific Culture of the Balseiro Institute, Patricia Meteos, organized the talks with specialists and followed the different activities throughout the week.

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