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Green Hydrogen

Projects and challenges to create a Green Hydrogen value chain

The fifth panel of the Global Green Hydrogen Forum focused on the projects and challenges to create a value chain for this fuel in Argentina and the rest of the world, led by representatives of three international companies with energy developments in Latin America.

Fecha: 18 de mayo de 2023
The fifth panel brought together representatives of three companies.Crédito: Laura Toso / Government of Río Negro

Carlos Villalba, Business Development Manager of Fichtner, a German company with 100 years of history and with main offices in Stuttgart, opened the panel, highlighting that they manage more than 500 energy projects, most of them in renewable energies.

Regarding GH2 production, he said that they have more than 60 projects around the world, and described the optimization tools used in the development of the projects in which they are involved.

He mentioned that they work based on their own software for the optimization of the entire GH2 value chain, with which they accompany the projects.

Then Marcelo Merli, Business Director of Siemens Energy, explained the great potential of Latin America in green hydrogen, particularly due to the availability of renewable resources, the business framework and conditions, regulatory frameworks and the combination of these aspects.

He described that Siemens Energy is only three years old in the hydrogen world but with the 170 years of experience of the parent company Siemens, which has long been oriented to more sustainable energies, especially decarbonization processes and systems.

The company works in equipment and storage systems and services, and traced a horizon of expansion of the green hydrogen industry, and ventured that Argentina will multiply its hydrogen production exponentially.

Finally, Roberto Begher, from CWP Global, said that the company was born in the development of conventional energy and was oriented to the use of renewable resources, which began in Australia its first large development to supply Fortescue, from what they are looking for other suitable places for the sector.

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