Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

The Global Green Hydrogen Forum began in Bariloche with great expectations

The Global Green Hydrogen Forum began in San Carlos de Bariloche at a crowded room. The Governor, Arabela Carreras, together with the CEO of YPF, Pablo Iuliano, was in charge of the opening ceremony. Participants from the public and private sectors, industry and the scientific community will analyze the major advances in the sector worldwide.

Fecha: 18 de mayo de 2023
An unprecedented event in the region and the only one of its kind in Latin America.Crédito: Laura Toso / Government of Río Negro

Rio Negro Government, together with the Swiss entity GH2 and the Federal Investment Council (CFI) organized the event, which is unique in the region and the only one of its kind in Latin America.

Carreras pointed out that a year ago, Río Negro set itself the challenge of discussing, in the province itself, the importance of valuing clean energies” and there is no place more appropriate than Bariloche to do it. This is a city full of science and technology, not only because of the equipment, but also because of the professionals that have relevant knowledge for the world".

"We must be proactive because climate change is evidencing the devastation it is causing to nature and the way of life and welfare of the populations; that is why we have a commitment with current and future generations", she added.

In this context, she emphasized that Río Negro, like the other provinces of the Argentine Patagonia, has geographical conditions suitable for the production of green hydrogen. "The winds of Patagonia, the access to sea water that would allow us to have the raw material, large territorial extensions, and the Patagonian ports generate a particular, unique and exceptionally favorable scenario for the production of clean energies", she explained.

"In addition, we want Argentina to share with the rest of Latin America an opportunity for its development; that is to say, we want there to be work, to be able to live better, which our generations can study and develop, and in turn have a positive impact for the entire planet."

"A world-class meeting"

"This meeting is of the highest world level, according to the needs we have", summarized Iuliano, who recognized the need to migrate to clean energies: "We have been energy producers for 100 years, we are changing and we have within our agenda the migration towards cleaner energies. In this regard, we see a great opportunity in the renewable energy potential of Patagonia".

For this reason, he said that it would be key "as a country to define a long-term strategy. It is a challenge that invites us to think about the industry and how we are going to do it, it has to be a common view at a national and provincial level, as well as the companies involved".

In relation to the Vaca Muerta Sur pipeline project, Iuliano explained, "it is the second great project in the short term that we have to monetize oil, to somehow finance the renewable energy projects of the future. There are great advances, I think it will be one of the most outstanding in the last 20 years and Río Negro plays a key role".

The Mayor of San Carlos de Bariloche, Gustavo Gennuso, expressed his "pride" in having this event in the city. "When I was a simple student, a professor and director of the Nuclear Engineering career at the Balseiro Institute used to overwhelm us talking about hydrogens. That person is Juan Carlos Bolcich, to whom I want to honor as a person from Bariloche. Thirty years ago he told us that hydrogen was the fuel of the future", he said.

A unique Forum of its kind

Representatives of the public and private sectors, the industry and the scientific community will attend the Forum, which lasts two days. They will analyze the great advances in the sector worldwide, the potential of Latin America as a scenario of opportunities to receive more and new investments, and the projects proposed in the region and the rest of the world.

Therefore, representatives from the European Union, the United Kingdom, Australia, the Netherlands, Israel, Germany, Romania, the Czech Republic, Korea, Iceland, the United States, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile and Guatemala will attend the Forum.

The great scope of the event, unprecedented in the region, has the support and participation of important international companies such as CWP Global, CAF, Y-Tec, Siemens, Fichtner, Pan American Energy, Acindar, VMC, PREAR and PTX. Moreover, institutions committed to the global green agenda such as the International Renewable Energy Agency, the Fraunhofer Institute, INVAP, Fundación Bariloche, CONICET, CNEA, CEARE, IRAM, and Giz support this event.

The support of YPF, Banco Patagonia, Genneia, Toyota, Abo Wind, Shell and Fortescue Future Industries was key to the organization of the Global Forum and contributed to the design of the meeting. 

Live streaming

Day 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rt3qIGtR2wM

Day 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gx1EEmk9DuQ

More info - Global Forum Agenda: https://bit.ly/3Ok9CFt

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