Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

"Green Hydrogen will be essential in the context of climate change".

Governor Arabela Carreras emphasized the leading role that Río Negro is acquiring worldwide regarding the production of alternative energies and stressed the importance of the Provincial Strategic Plan in the context of climate change.

Fecha: 16 de mayo de 2023
The Governor will make a presentation during the Forum.Crédito: Laura Toso / Government of Río Negro

"Rio Negro continues to position itself in the global green agenda and in the face of the energy crisis scenario on the planet, next Thursday and Friday, Bariloche will host the Global Green Hydrogen Forum 2023," she said.

"This is the second international green hydrogen forum to be held in the world; the first one took place in Barcelona and I had the opportunity to attend on behalf of the province," she added.

"Now we have the unique opportunity to host this significant event in which there will be public and private participation; representatives of different companies in the world, as well as ambassadors of the European Union, representatives of renowned universities, scientists, government authorities from different Latin American countries and Argentine provinces," she stated.

"It is very interesting to be able to discuss these issues, especially the opportunities offered by Patagonia for the large-scale generation of this energy product which, we understand, will be key in this context of climate change that the world is going through", she explained.

"The change of the world's energy matrix is a collective responsibility and it is imperative that governments and the private sector work together to mitigate the impact of climate change; for this reason we aim to promote the exchange, explore challenges and opportunities to enhance the development of green hydrogen, a key actor for a sustainable future," she concluded.

The event, of global significance, is the first of its kind in Latin America and will be broadcast via streaming for those who wish to follow the program of activities live: https://www.youtube.com/@RioNegroH2V.

Green Hydrogen in Rio Negro

The Governor talked to the press about the possibility that the Australian company Fortescue Future Industries will redirect its projects in the country to Brazil. 

"What we have been told is that the company plans to continue with the investments in Río Negro, but that it no longer considers the project in Argentina as a priority", she said.

The Governor also said, "We are talking about one of the companies interested in Patagonia and in Rio Negro's Strategic Plan; therefore, we are going ahead with our project. There are companies, especially German ones, which have their sights set on our region; in fact, we based the first steps of our Strategic Plan on the study carried out by the German Fraunhofer Institute, from which different locations suitable for this development were recognized. Therefore, the green hydrogen project in Rio Negro continues", she affirmed.

In this regard, she assured that Río Negro will continue promoting adequate conditions for this type of developments, "which implies to continue working so that the National State generates a framework law and an incentive law for the activity", she concluded.

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