Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

Bariloche: everything is ready for the Global Green Hydrogen Forum

Rio Negro is getting ready to be the centre of the world this week with the Global Green Hydrogen Forum, which will take place over two days and will be aimed at specialists and the public and private sectors.

Fecha: 15 de mayo de 2023
Specialists from different parts of the world will attend the Forum.Crédito: Government of Río Negro

The Forum will be attended by experts, representatives of governments from different continents committed to the transition towards clean energy and businessmen linked to the sector. Next May 18 and 19, the Forum will analyse the major advances in the industry worldwide, the potential of Latin America as a scenario of opportunities to receive more and new investments, and the projects proposed in the region and the rest of the world.

In the different meeting and discussion sections, held at the Llao Llao Hotel and the Camping Musical de Bariloche, the various presentations will provide an insight into the sector's vision for promoting large-scale green hydrogen production, as well as present plans and future challenges, opportunities and challenges to be solved.

Governor Arabela Carreras will be in charge of the opening of the event, which is unprecedented in Latin America, and will be attended by YPF's CEO, Pablo Iuliano; the National Minister of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, Daniel Filmus; and the Director of the Cabinet of Geocryology, Glaciology, Snow and Climate Change Studies, Silvio Pastore.

Among the main speakers were the Director of Energy Policy for the European Union Commission, Cristina Lobillo Borrero; the Argentinean Secretary of Energy, Flavia Royón; the President of the Green Hydrogyn Organization, Malcolm Turnbull. Ambassadors, companies such as YPF, Shell, Toyota, Banco Patagonia, CAF, Genneia and Abo Wind -among others-; scientists, specialists and representatives of institutions and organisations linked to energy and climate change mitigation will be present.

The commitment of the province with the change of the national and global energy matrix demands the generation of these key areas in which the public and private sectors promote exchange, analyse challenges and value opportunities to promote the development of green hydrogen, in which the role of Bariloche and Río Negro in the world scenario stands out.


Thursday 18

Perspective of green hydrogen: Latin America in the global context.

Potential of green hydrogen in Latin America and the world.

Financing the sustainable transition to a green hydrogen economy.

International trade of green hydrogen: where it will be produced and where it will be used.

Green hydrogen potential in Latin America and the world.

Legislation and agreements for green hydrogen.

Creating a green hydrogen value chain: projects and challenges on the path to a sustainable green hydrogen economy.

Vision to 2030 of the development of the GH2 value chain in Argentina within the energy transition.

Germany as a strategic partner of Argentina for the development of a sustainable market for the production, use and export of hydrogen and its derivatives.

Green hydrogen in the Argentine energy transition.

Focus on the climate policy perspective on green hydrogen.


Friday 19

Latin American and European leadership to enable the green hydrogen economy.

Presentation of the European Union H2V mission in Argentina: an opportunity to restructure our industry.

Green hydrogen standards: fit for purpose approach for Latin America.

Investment opportunities in Latin America.

Technological developments and value-downstream chain.

Towards a greener industry.

Focus on Argentina: capitalizing on the green hydrogen opportunity.

Green hydrogen and access to the industry.

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