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Expo 2027: new promotion for Bariloche's candidacy

The Governor Arabela Carreras attended a meeting with the Secretary of Development Planning and Federal Competitiveness, Jorge Neme, and the Executive President of the Argentine Agency for Investment and International Trade (AAICI), Juan Usandivaras. During the meeting she advanced in new strategies to continue promoting Bariloche's application to be the venue for the Specialized International Expo 2027.

Fecha: 8 de marzo de 2023
During the meeting they worked on strategies to promote the candidature.Crédito: Government of Río Negro

The conversation with Neme was linked to the challenges of financing studies, projects and infrastructure that will be key to the organization of Expo 2027 in the Andean city.

During the meeting, which took place in Capital Federal, they discussed details regarding the organization of the Workshop scheduled for April, which will bring together delegates from all the countries that make up the International Exhibitions Bureau (BIE).

The objective of the Workshop is to explain to the members and voters of the BIE the reasons why they should choose Bariloche as the venue of the Expo and to show our potential to host the event. This activity will be developed with the support of the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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