Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

Green Hydrogen, aiming at labor equality and gender equity

Today in Cipolletti, Governor Arabela Carreras led the Plenary of the Tripartite Commission for Equal Opportunities (CTIO), which in this case was developed focusing on Green Hydrogen.

Fecha: 31 de enero de 2023
The Governor, together with different members of the Commission.Crédito: Jorge Badillo / Government of Río Negro

The Undersecretary of Labor Inclusion Policies of the National Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security, Cecilia Cross and the local mayor, Claudio Di Tella, the provincial Minister of Labor, Jorge Stopiello and the Undersecretary of the labor portfolio, Rina Spina attended the event.

The purpose of the meeting was to promote equality and equity objectives by strengthening joint actions and including the role of workers, unions, employers and the cooperation of governments. There was special emphasis on the Green Hydrogen Strategic Plan being carried out by Río Negro.

Governor Carreras emphasized the presence of unions and business chambers in this meeting, with "a focus on inclusion and job search, gender perspective and future ideas through Green Hydrogen".

"We are going through very difficult times where the macroeconomy reflects a complex situation for society and implies a lot of dialogue, therefore it is necessary to promote these meetings", she explained.

She said that "the real perspective of Green Hydrogen is very positive" and stressed that progress is being made with the Strategic Plan "as we had planned, with different environmental impact studies to improve decision making", and emphasized that there is a need for "a National Law, which sets the framework for this activity".

Mayor Di Tella mentioned that the participation of the unions shows "the policy of consensus and dialogue that the provincial government and the municipalities have with the different sectors, through labor inclusion".

Finally, Minister Stopiello pointed out the guidelines for equal opportunities "through the creation of the "Trabajo Más Futuro" plan, where we have trained more than 3,000 men and women from Rio Negro and more than 40% of them are women, especially in areas that were not very common, such as construction".

The project is expected to have a great impact on labor issues, with more than 15,000 jobs that will strengthen the productive chain of the region.

The Ministers of Security and Justice, Betiana Minor and Human Development and Solidarity Articulation, Natalia Reynoso; the Ministers of Government and Community, Rodrigo Buteler, and of Education, Pablo Nuñez attended the meeting. The Secretary of State for Planning, Daniel Sanguinetti; the Secretary of State for Energy, Andrea Confini; the Mayors of Villa Regina, Marcelo Orazi and of Fernández Oro, Mariano Lavín, the legislator Lucas Pica and the legislator Marcela Ávila were also present.

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