Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

The first graduates of the Diploma in Green Hydrogen have obtained their di

Governor Arabela Carreras, together with the Rector of the National University of Río Negro, Anselmo Torres, issued today in Viedma the course certificates to the first 37 students of the University Diploma in Green Hydrogen.

Fecha: 15 de diciembre de 2022
The Diploma will also be offered during 2023.Crédito: Secretariat of Communication of Río Negro / Rafael Alvian

The specialization was born with the aim of addressing in depth the problems of energy, development and in particular the Green Hydrogen, from a technical and strategic perspective.

"At the working meeting with authorities of the International Energy Agency, in Paris, we realized that in Argentina we are beginning to talk about Green Hydrogen, but in other parts of the world it is at the top of the international agenda. However, we were surprised when we presented what we are doing, they told us that there are some issues in which Rio Negro is in the first place. It means two or three years ahead and this is due to human resources, to the people who are being trained, who trust and think about the future", stressed Carreras during the event.

"We need citizens to understand the value and strategic position that our province has to generate relevant energy in the process of global energy transition and the opportunity to have a positive impact in a context of climate change that concerns us and the world and I think we are achieving it," she added.

The Governor remarked that "we have to make the right decisions today, for the children, the young people and the children yet to be born, thinking about the future".

The Diploma, which will also be taught during 2023 as part of the agreement between the Province and the UNRN, was in charge of a group of professors, whose maximum exponent is the Bariloche scientist Juan Carlos Bolcich.

"A remarkable group was formed, from various parts of the country, and we believe that we do it with the aim of supporting the great project carried out by the Province with Fortescue. But also other projects that require the training of groups of people and that is where this Diploma is inserted. It had a record number of registrations with more than 400 and after a rigorous selection, 45 people were given the opportunity, of which 37 were able to finish," explained Bolcich.

This initiative is part of the actions foreseen in the agreement between the Province, the University and the Foundation of the National University of Río Negro, whose objective is to teach and train students in this area.

Torres stressed the importance of "giving value to Green Hydrogen since the agreement was signed, an Institute was created and as a University we could contribute to the production of knowledge and training of human resources. We have always pursued since its creation, to meet outstanding demands, but also contribute to regional development and energy transition is not a minor issue and requires us to get involved".

The central themes of the training were: new energy paradigm, its environmental, social and economic impact, production methods, storage, transportation, applications, safety and regulatory framework.

Pablo Nuñez, Ministers of Education and Human Rights, and of Labor, Jorge Stopiello; the General Secretary, José María Apud and the Secretary of State for Planning, Daniel Sanguinetti were present. Also, the legislator Marcelino Jerez and the legislator Adriana Del Agua; the vice-rector of the Atlantic Campus, Juan Manuel Otero and the President of the Green Hydrogen Institute, Patricio Solimano were present.

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