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Urban and Territorial Development of the Punta Colorada

The Secretariat of State for Planning will carry out this Thursday in Sierra Grande the introduction of the Basic Plan for the Urban and Territorial Development of the Punta Colorada Area.

Fecha: 28 de septiembre de 2022
The Province will show the progress of the plan.Crédito: Government of Río Negro

The activity, open to the whole community, will take place at 11 o'clock at the Centro de Jubilados y Pensionados (Retired and Pensioners Center).

Therefore, the work carried out for several months by a team of the consulting firm CFG Planeamiento and financed by the Federal Investment Council (CFI), will be described.

"We estimate that due to all the investments that may arrive in Sierra Grande, the population will grow a lot. So, the purpose of this master plan is that when the city starts to be urbanized, it will be planned and organized", said the Secretary of Strategic Development, Mercedes Ibero.

She also explained that the consultants held several meetings with different areas of the Provincial and Municipal Government. They wanted to obtain information on different issues such as availability of parcels, projection of routes and roads, demographic and social situation, and other issues.

The purposes of the initiative

The Basic Plan for the Urban and Territorial Development of the Punta Colorada Area is part of the Province's commitment to the design and development of a new productive matrix. This will provide solutions to mitigate the impact of climate change.

The study describes an updated analysis of the main social and economic characteristics of the region. Because of comprehensive work carried out in the area and with the aim of planning its long-term growth.

This study also includes a socio-productive, physical, environmental and urban development description. It takes into account both the clean energy export complex to be developed in the area, as well as the optimal conditions to become a sustainable tourist destination. This will be possible thanks to the recent approval of the National Park in the area of Islote Lobos, in addition to Playas Doradas.

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