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The Urban & Territorial Development Plan of Punta Colorada was presented

Representatives of the consulting firm CFG Planeamiento presented to the community the results of the work they have been carrying out for the last eight months. The study is about the management of the future territorial development of the area that includes Sierra Grande, Playas Doradas and Punta Colorada.

Fecha: 29 de septiembre de 2022
The results have already been presented to professionals, officials and neighbors.Crédito: Government of Río Negro

The study, financed by CFI, and coordinated by the State Secretariat of Planning, included several stages of analysis and diagnosis in the area to plan its long-term development. 

Some of the aspects analyzed were the main social, demographic and economic characteristics of the region, socio-productive, physical, environmental and urban development aspects. 

"The study includes the complexities of the project that is being developed in the region, and it is essential to plan and organize the processes so that, when the investment is received, it will be done in a coordinated process", said the Secretary of State for Planning, Daniel Sanguinetti. 

"We are convinced that once all the studies, analyses and permissions are completed, Sierra Grande will become a great productive pole" and "it is an ambitious and comprehensive project that is beginning to consolidate", he said.

The official highlighted the level and responsibility of the work and the compliance with the execution deadlines. 

Finally, he emphasized the work between provincial and municipal agencies and civil society organizations in order to work together with the prestigious professionals. They developed "a high-quality product, which will be a guide and a permanent reference", he concluded.

The general coordinator of the project, Polo Jaime, emphasized that the production of this complex technical work demanded more than 12 thousand hours. 

"It is a concrete but adaptable document, which sets out the rules of the game very clearly for the challenges that are coming up," he said. 

Jaime gave details of the different axes of the study and concluded, "We are before an action of a government administration approved by the local community to carry out the necessary urban and territorial transformations". 

Representatives from different provincial, municipal and legislative organisms, as well as from the company Fortescue Future Industries and the National University of Río Negro attended the event. 


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