Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

Different activities on H2V were carried out during the long weekend

The State Secretariat of Planning organized different activities in Bariloche during the long weekend in order to promote the Provincial Green Hydrogen Plan.

Fecha: 11 de octubre de 2022
The Green Hydrogen Provincial Plan included several activities during the long weekend.Crédito: Government of Río Negro

Bariloche a la Carta 2022 gathered thousands of tourists from all over the province, the country and the world. The visitors got information about the provincial Green Hydrogen project and the innovative energy policy of Río Negro linked to alternative energies.

For this purpose, visitors were also able to know and enjoy the electric car of the province.

It is worth mentioning that on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, representatives of the agency handed out didactic and informative material to children who attended the children's performances at La Baita theater.

The initiatives were part of the communicative policy that the Provincial Government implemented based on the change in the provincial energy matrix. The main objective is that the community, regardless of age, knows the importance of the permanent commitment with the environment and the strategic role that Río Negro will have at world level during the next few years.

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