Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

The issues discussed with Mayors were Economy, Energy and Green Hydrogen

The topics discussed at the meeting between the Provincial Government authorities and Mayors included the national and provincial macroeconomic situation, the Electricity Master Plan and the progress of the Green Hydrogen Strategic Plan. The meeting took place in Bariloche and Governor Arabela Carreras led it. Within this framework, YPF authorities detailed the works projected for the construction of a 670-kilometer pipeline, with an export terminal in Punta Colorada.

Fecha: 21 de septiembre de 2022
The Governor led today the meeting and presented different policies of the province. Crédito: Government of Río Negro

The first to speak was the Minister of Economy, Luis Vaisberg. He presented the Macro-Fiscal Framework that the National Government is carrying out for the drafting of the Budget Law 2023. In this regard, he described briefly the international context and the projections of the global economy for next year.

He also explained the main guidelines for the drafting of the National Budget Bill 2023, which are to maintain fiscal balance, to reinforce the reserves, to sustain the trade surplus and to generate development with social inclusion.

He also discussed the macroeconomic projections for 2023. The province take into account these projections to prepare the budget draft: GDP, private and public consumption, investment, exports and imports, prices and exchange rate. A projection on the estimated amount to be collected at the national level was also made.

Finally, a project regarding what the municipalities will receive in co-participation for the rest of 2022 was presented, as well as the legal framework for the authorization of Municipalities' debt.

On the other hand, the Secretary of State for Energy, Andrea Confini, presented the Electric Master Plan of Río Negro with a projection of electricity demand growth until 2030.

It is a study that describes the problems presented by the transport and distribution networks, as well as the works required to solve the difficulties that will arise as a result of the increase in demand.

The electrical study that was drawn up includes the analysis of the necessary works that were presented as proposed solutions to each problem.

The Director of the RN Invierte Agency, Gonzalo Medina Cabrera, explained the situation of the Green Hydrogen project, showing the international relevance of our province within a new energy paradigm.

The head of RN Invierte highlighted the work carried out by the Province in terms of research and planning of the green technologies project, placing Rio Negro in an advanced position, which was highlighted as a result of the interest and meetings with leading countries in H2V.

Medina Cabrera highlighted the importance of the national law project, which after its approval would give the regulatory framework to finish positioning Rio Negro in the map of the Green Hydrogen production poles.

The meetings carried out with German, Korean and North American companies show the relevance and potential of our province in a world scenario, as well as its active position and response to an energetic problem.

YPF will build an oil pipeline in the province of Río Negro.

The meeting concluded with a presentation by the CEO of YPF, Pablo Iuliano. He talked about the works planned by the company for the construction of a 670-kilometer pipeline, of which 625 kilometers will be located in Río Negro, and an export terminal in Punta Colorada. The work will be key to expand the production and extraction capacity from Vaca Muerta, the country's main energy project.

The total investment is estimated at 1,250 million dollars and will generate 1,850 jobs per month for three years.

Several environmental and feasibility studies will be carried out for approval and will be presented in the following months. For this purpose, the main national and international companies and institutions with experience in this area are invited to participate.

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