Gobierno de rio negro
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Carreras: "We designed an integrated province, with development and jobs".

This Wednesday in Bariloche, with a significant presence of Mayors and the Provincial Government Authorities, Governor Arabela Carreras led a working meeting to discuss the provincial investment plan for 2023, energy policy and the progress of the Green Hydrogen production project, among other topics.

Fecha: 21 de septiembre de 2022
During the meeting, they discussed provincial investment and development projects.Crédito: Government of Río Negro

In addition, she announced two important events: the launching of the second section of the Southern Region Gas Pipeline in October, a work financed by the Castello Plan. And the confirmation that in May 2023 the second World Hydrogen Congress will take place in Rio Negro, "which ratifies the direction in which we are organizing ourselves and towards which we are going", emphasized Carreras.

The purpose of the meeting was to continue the daily work carried out to meet the demands and needs of the people of Río Negro across the province.

"The idea was to review the major investment and provincial development projects that involve all the municipalities, because we conceive an integrated province, with work, where the areas that were considered beneficiaries of subsidies begin to play a leading role in the productive transformation and growth of our province", highlighted Carreras in her opening speech.

She was together with the Minister of Economy, Luis Vaisberg; the Secretary of State for Energy, Andrea Confini and the Director of the Río Negro Invierte Agency, Gonzalo Medina Cabrera, who explained the main topics.

Three key aspects of the Government

One of the main topics of the meeting was the review of the Provincial Government's investment plan. In this context, the macro-fiscal framework developed by the National Ministry of Economy for the drafting of the Budget Law 2023 was presented.

Moreover, the macroeconomic projections for the next year were reviewed: "As part of this long-term view, there are the investments in the development of the province. For example, Vaca Muerta is a source that does not have a provincial limit and we are working to be able to explore the part of this formation that enters our territory", explained Carreras.

"We want to value our strategic position, given that all the pipelines have to cross Río Negro to leave Neuquén. We also have the possibility of developing regions such as Sierra Grande, because this pipeline has the design of a new port", She said. In this regards, the CEO of YPF was invited to explain the status of the project, which has an investment of more than 1,500 million dollars.

Carreras also mentioned the presentation of the electric master plan of Río Negro, in charge of the Secretary of State for Energy, with a projection of electricity demand growth until 2030, and the progress of the Green Hydrogen project.

Officials attending the event                                                                          

Rodrigo Buteler, Minister of Government and Community; Minister of Education and Human Rights; Minister of Labor, Jorge Stopiello; Minister of Public Works and Services, Carlos Valeri; Minister of Health, Fabián Zgaib; Minister of Production and Agroindustry, Carlos Banacloy; Minister of Tourism and Sports, Martha Vélez; and Minister of Security and Justice, Betiana Minor were present. The Secretaries of Culture, Ariel Avalos; of Legal and Technical, Guillermo Ceballos; the Secretary General, José María Apud; the Secretary of Communication, Gustavo Glave; the Secretary of Articulation, Mariano Ferrari; the Superintendent of the DPA, Fernando Curetti; the Director of Development Commissions, Ramiro Fuentes Vivanco were also present.

The national deputy, Agustín Domingo; the legislators Adriana Del Agua, Julia Fernández, Graciela Vivanco, Claudia Contreras and María Eugenia Martini; the legislators Juan Pablo Muena and Ramón Chiocconi and the director of PITBA, Lorenzo Raggio attended the meeting.

As regardas mayors Bruno Pogliano (El Bolsón); Liliana Martin (Allen); Raúl Hermosilla (Comallo); Ariel Rivero (Campo Grande); Diego Ramello (Choele Choel); Mónica Balseiro (Dina Huapi); Mariano Lavin (Fernández Oro); Silvina Frías (Maquinchao); Néstor Ayuelef (Pilcaniyeu); Nelson Quintero (Ramos Mexía); Yamila Direne (Valcheta); Gustavo Gennuso (Bariloche); Miguel Martínez (Ingeniero Huergo); Víctor Hugo Mansilla (Darwin); Hugo Funes (Chimpay); Carlos Toro (Jacobacci); Renzo Tamburrini (Sierra Grande); Gustavo San Román (Río Colorado); Miguel Petricio (Mainqué); Angel Zingoni (Guardia Mitre); María Emilia Soria (General Roca); y Fabián Pilquinao (Sierra Colorada) were present.

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