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Green Hydrogen

Green Hydrogen: Carreras emphasized the need for a regulatory framework

The Governor, Arabela Carreras, highlighted once again the need to advance in a national hydrogen law, during her speech at the AmCham Energy Forum 2022 "Argentina, the energy opportunity", which took place today in the City of Buenos Aires.

Fecha: 6 de septiembre de 2022
Carreras spoke at the AmCham Energy Forum that took place in Buenos Aires.Crédito: Secretariat of Communication of Río Negro / Evangelina Martínez

The event aims to promote the exchange between the public and private sectors regarding the opportunities of the energy sector for the development and economic growth of the country.

The Governor spoke at the panel "A sustainable horizon, the bet for Green Hydrogen", which was moderated by the Director of Institutional Relations of Vista Energy, Manuel Aguirre.

"Rio Negro is moving forward in a great process of consensus to achieve the best possible scenario for production". In this regard, she mentioned, "There is a consensus work, both with the companies and from the political point of view. In addition, there is a particular challenge, which is to advance in the regulatory framework. We have a first draft, which we are trying to reach a consensus with other governors. A law regulating this activity is very necessary, because companies must be able to trust and they need tools that provide them with predictability", said the Governor.

She pointed out that "it is important to know what will be the conditions to work on this issue" and explained that Río Negro "was able to find a market eager to buy what we produce, but the conditions are in full development".

She also highlighted the "important and deep dialogue" with the National Government, the contribution of the private sector and the support of the CFI, with the financing of the previous studies and the regional planning tasks with the participation of architects and engineers from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA).

"We are training our workers in renewable energies and other types of techniques that will be required. We also employed 10 architects and engineers from the UBA who are doing the planning of the cities. So, the impact is as positive as possible because when investments arrive, the negative aspects are present due to the lack housing or schools, or the infrastructure is not in accordance, therefore we are planning what the State has to do to assist", said the Governor of the Province of Río Negro.


"Hydrogen is a great opportunity".

On the other hand, Carreras assessed the importance of advancing in the development of clean energies, but in a complementary way with oil and gas production. "These two scenarios strengthen each other and can improve processes," she said and reinforced the need for a framework to regulate the activity.

"Hydrogen is an opportunity. But we do not oppose the possibility of producing green energies against any other mode of energy production. We believe that they are complementary, they strengthen each other and can serve to put green components in any productive process, including oil and gas", explained the Governor.

For Carreras, hydrogen production is "a complementary form of energy, which becomes a relevant issue in the context of transition due to all the consequences we are witnessing as a result of climate change".

Argentina "is presented as a strategic scenario" in this context, and highlighted the plan of Rio Negro that "positions us in an interesting place, because we are working to export oil and gas through the San Matias Gulf, but we have the possibility of having a rapid growth and development in the production of Green Hydrogen".

She pointed out that Patagonia has "the best wind scenarios in the world", besides having access to seawater, which avoids the use of fresh water in the productive processes: "It is a limited and very significant resource", she concluded.

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