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MExpo 2027: a modern virtual infrastructure

Expo 2027 Bariloche has been designed to exceed its physical territory and through a great network of technological, cultural and entertainment events reach citizens from all five continents who are curious and interested in the future of our planet and want to activate the necessary human energy that will allow us to change the course of history.

Fecha: 27 de julio de 2022
Expo 2027 will take place in Bariloche.Crédito: Government of Río Negro

Due to the fast evolution of the technologies associated with the metaverse, it is difficult to predict exactly what technologies will be available or adopted by the time the MExpo 2027 Bariloche project is developed.

In all cases, MExpo 2027 will be an unlimited platform depending on the device to be used by the user, assuming a high level of integration in the device market, which would allow an immersive experience of greater emotional impact to the visitor.

Some of the services of MExpo 2027 will be identity verification via digital passports; automatic language interpretation in real time between avatars; open E-wallets; own avatar editor; automatic registration of specific visitors per Pavilion; public space management. Some other services will be guided tours by intelligent bot; help desks managed by Artificial Intelligence; monitoring of energy resources used in real time; visitor logbook; security barriers against cyber-attacks, and backup and recovery systems against attacks or technical failures. 

From Bariloche, Argentina is getting ready to discuss in depth the technological convergence in pursuit of a sustainable future, showing the B-side, necessary and possible, and the coexistence between technology and the preservation of nature from a program with various formats that include multiple voices.

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