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Planning implements differentiated waste collection in the offices

In order to contribute to the environment care and encourage responsible waste classification in the provincial public administration, the State Secretariat of Planning implemented this week differentiated waste collection in the offices of the provincial government.

Fecha: 26 de agosto de 2022
The aim is to promote awareness of the importance of taking care of the environment.Crédito: Government of Río Negro

Members of the agency attended a training talk by representatives of the Cooperativa para
una Nueva Vida (COTRANVI) from Viedma, whose work focuses on environmental promotion,
collection, sorting, treatment, and marketing of recovered materials to return them to the
"From the secretariat we are working hard to promote environmental care based on the use of
alternative energies and recycling. The actions we are developing throughout the province are
designed to raise awareness in this regard," explained the agency's Coordination Secretary,
Natalia Pretz. She also assured that "having containers for differentiated waste collection in
the offices is essential not only to give greater consistency to the message we want to convey,
but also to reinforce the commitment that those of us who make up the agency have to the
She pointed out that COTRANVI trained authorities and agents on the importance of recycling,
one of the effective and simple ways to contribute to the care of the environment, since the
final disposal of waste emits greenhouse gases.
"The importance of contributing to the circular economy was another fundamental issue in the
training, since through the work of urban waste pickers some discarded elements can be used
as raw material in another productive process", she said.
Finally, she said that, from this week, waste separation in the offices will be made according to
the color of the garbage cans. Only glass, cardboard, aluminum, dry and clean paper and
cardboard will be placed in the green garbage can, while wet waste will be placed in the gray
garbage can.
"It is a nice initiative that gave rise to a lot of enthusiasm among those of us who spend several
hours a day in the offices, and it is also an excellent opportunity to extend the invitation to
other organizations to join the sustainable Río Negro that we are creating", she concluded.

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