Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

Carreras on hydrogen: "Argentina can become the main character of a new stage in the world".

Governor Arabela Carreras presented at the ninth Energy Conference of the newspaper Río Negro, in the city of Neuquén. She detailed the advance of the Green Hydrogen project and emphasized the need for a national law to regulate the activity.

Fecha: 8 de julio de 2022
Carreras reviewed several aspects of the h2v project in the ProvinceCrédito: Government of Río Negro

She expressed the need to move forward quickly in "great transversal agreements" that promote the arrival of investments. She pointed out that these agreements "cannot wait for a year and fear, they have to be executed now, due to the urgency of this new period of opportunities", she reflected.

She stressed again the need to have a National Law that regulates hydrogen production, and requested to achieve a regulation that complies with "promoting the activity and lowering its production cost, to make it more efficient and to look for a competitive export market".

She mentioned that this regulation "should provide guarantees of a reasonable and acceptable tax framework" to "generate a good hydrogen price for export". She pointed out that a draft is already being worked on, with the support of Senator Alberto Weretilneck.

She also said that this activity "must be given terms without withholding taxes, so that it can start and consolidate", but also "we must free the possibility of using dollars, which are essential for any mega investment project like this one (of 8,000 million dollars estimated towards the end) that requires the search for money in the international market. And the banks are going to need guarantees that the companies will be able to meet their obligations", she explained.


I attended the ninth "Energía On" conference in Neuquén. We discussed the current situation of hydrocarbon production in the province, along with the developments of the green hydrogen project and, the need to move forward on a regulation law. pic.twitter.com/wQpwnwFM9i

- Arabela Carreras (@ArabelaCarreras) July 7, 2022

Carreras understood that Argentina "can become the main character of a new stage in the world", in a context of "energy scarcity" and "wars that complicate the scenarios". She mentioned, "it is necessary to calm down the economy and to advance in political agreements, both from the Executive and the Opposition".

"We must lower the levels of confrontation, because confrontation makes it very difficult to convince investors", she explained.

The Governor also detailed the current situation of gas and oil production in Rio Negro, highlighting the role of the province. She indicated that there are three new areas for bidding -they are already working on the agreements- which, if well exploited, could double the current hydrocarbon production.

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