Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

The Green Hydrogen Institute will be created with the National University of Río Negro and a Diploma Course will be offered.

Governor Arabela Carreras and the Dean of the National University of Río Negro (UNRN, in spanish), Anselmo Torres, entered into a cooperation agreement today for the setting up of the Green Hydrogen Institute in Río Negro and the granting of a university diploma on climate change, energy transition and green hydrogen, at the University of Río Negro.

Fecha: 9 de junio de 2022
The Institute of Green Hydrogen in Río Negro becomes a real projectCrédito: Government of Río Negro

The Vice-governor, Alejandro Palmieri; the Dean of the UNRN, Anselmo Torres; the Secretary of State for Planning, Daniel Sanguinetti, and the Director of the Degree in Environmental Sciences, Patricio Solimano, attended the presentation.

"This long-term policy must be sustained over time, and I trust the workers' unions to support common projects between the labor and knowledge sectors. Therefore, we have to include social and economic factors in the debate so that when we really find an opportunity, a better world can be created, and we should all be part of it", emphasized Carreras.

"Rio Negro has already completed all its duties to achieve this great investment in green hydrogen and now comes the stage of the deputies and senators who will debate the rules of the game. There are many provinces involved, we have talked about it with Senator Alberto Weretilneck and (Martin) Doñate, which means that we must work together with all political groups to achieve the best law that hydrogen requires developing over time", she said.

Sanguinetti also highlighted the importance of this project: "It is a great achievement and the Governor made it clear from the beginning, the ones who have to advise us are the specialists, that is why we look for the support of scientists through the green hydrogen provincial committee and now we are setting up this institute with the UNRN".

"The energy matrix transformation and change is important for the future, thus the setting up of an institute is essential for us, and both the Province and the University are open to include any institution that works to produce knowledge on this subject. We believe that this institute can be one of the best in Argentina, and become the best in Latin America and the world. So today we are establishing the conditions for this to happen", Torres emphasized regarding the Institute.

These two proposals are part of the strengthening of public policies focused on promoting technological development carried out by the province, from the project of production and development of green hydrogen in Rio Negro, with the establishment of a plant in Sierra Grande. 

The institute will aim to train resources, communication, planning and development of a career on the subject, giving the opportunity to promote employment in the future for the people of Rio Negro.

The course will be aimed at those who wish to know more in depth the problems of energy, development and in particular the Green Hydrogen, both from a technical and strategic point of view. 

It is expected to begin in August, and it will have a distinguished teaching staff.

The Mayor of Sierra Grande, Renzo Tamburrini; the Ministers of Economy, Luis Vaisberg; of Public Works and Services, Carlos Valeri; of Education and Human Rights, Pablo Nuñez; and of Labor, Jorge Stopiello were also present. The Secretary of State for Culture, Ariel Avalos; the Secretary of Strategic Development, Mercedes Ibero; the legislators Facundo López and Marcelo Szczygol and the legislator Nancy Andaloro were also present. 

The prestigious scientist in research and development of green hydrogen Juan Carlos Bolsich, together with teachers, members of foundations and technological associations of the province and representatives of the Argentinean Association of Green Hydrogen were also present in Zoom.

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