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The Heart of Patagonia: Bariloche is already a candidate for the Specialized Expo 2027

Governor Arabela Carreras, Chancellor Santiago Cafiero and the Mayor of Bariloche, Gustavo Gennuso, presented today the city's candidacy to host the Specialized Expo 2027.

Fecha: 2 de junio de 2022
Carreras presented Bariloche's candidacy to host the 207th Specialized Expo.Crédito: Secretariat of Communications of Río Negro / Jorge Badillo.

Up to now, this kind of expo has never been held in South America, representing a unique opportunity for Argentina, Patagonia and especially for Bariloche, which will have Nature + Technology as theme, referring to clean energies and the human being as a transforming engine.

The Governor expressed her enthusiasm because "we are in the presence of an amazing opportunity to generate this new beginning, our province is being the axis of a whole process of transformation around clean energies and we want to focus on nature as the axis of technological development".
"There is a global energy crisis. We know that our region presents itself as a great opportunity for the world. We have the opportunity to speak from a South American perspective, which has not yet had the chance to express itself," she remarked.
She also pointed out that Rio Negro "is facing a unique possibility for the production of green hydrogen and to be an engine of development of this industry for the whole world. We believe that together with all the existing scientific and technological expertise in the region we can give this expo a unique content, for the construction of a world that we intend and believe can be better. We are and should be the engines of that change".

Cafiero highlighted that Bariloche's candidacy is based on the idea of proposing a new beginning. "From the end of the world, from the south of the south and from the responsibility we have towards nature to generate a present and a future more respectful of the environment, we present this candidacy to hold, for the first time, an expo of these characteristics in our continent.
He invited all the countries of the region to "join us and make this candidacy their own" and pointed out that this edition of the expo "expresses culture, nature, innovation and technology".

This candidacy, and the project that supports it, are the result of the work of three jurisdictions (Municipal, Provincial and National) of different political backgrounds, working together to make this expo a true State policy.
The Bariloche 2027 Nomination Committee is made up of the Municipality of the city of San Carlos de Bariloche, the Government of the Province of Río Negro and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship of the Argentine Republic.
By video conference, Mayor Gennuso highlighted the importance of the initiative and informed that the city of knowledge and development will be built at the PITBA offices. "We will bind together the entire educational system of the region: our universities, such as those of Comahue and Río Negro; our technological institutes, such as Balseiro, with technology and energy companies. And we will connect the entire science and technology sector with our public companies, with INVAP and ARSAT as leaders".

During the meeting, it was pointed out that this candidature aims at positioning Patagonia in the world's eyes, both as regards the production of new clean energies and as a natural tourist destination.
The Bariloche 2027 Committee will be responsible for presenting the candidacy to the BIE (Bureau International des Expositions) and for carrying out all the necessary actions to ensure that the majority of the 170 nations that make up the BIE selects our country. The formal presentation of the dossier will take place on the 20th of this month and the vote will be held in June 2023.
It is worth mentioning that the Covid-19 pandemic caused the postponement of Expo Dubai 2020, recently completed in 2022, which led to the postponement of Buenos Aires 2023, which is why Argentina takes the opportunity to present itself as a candidate to host the event in 2027.

At the Chancellery office, Argentina officially presented Bariloche as host of the World Expo 2027. 

Under the slogan "nature + technology" we propose a new global beginning and rethink our history. pic.twitter.com/Du42mTQpVy

- Arabela Carreras (@ArabelaCarreras) June 2, 2022

The Minister of Tourism, Matías Lammens; the Minister of Production, Matias Kulfas; the Minister of the Interior, Eduardo de Pedro; and the Minister of the Environment, Juan Cabandié; the Secretary of Strategic Affairs, Gustavo Beliz were also present at the meeting at Palacio San Martín. Also more than twenty ambassadors and international representatives were present.

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