Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

In Río Negro, Argentina plans its hydrogen policy to 2030

Governor Arabela Carreras, and the National Minister of Productive Development, Matías Kulfas, and the Secretary of Strategic Affairs and President of the Economic and Social Council, Gustavo Beliz, officially opened today in San Carlos de Bariloche the National Hydrogen 2030 Meeting. In this event, the situation and perspectives of this resource, which contributes to the mitigation of the effects of climate change worldwide, will be analyzed.

Fecha: 30 de mayo de 2022
Governor Carreras presented the Hydrogen 2030 National MeetingCrédito: Jorge Badillo/Government of Río Negro

Climate change occupies our current agenda, and hydrogen is an alternative to decrease greenhouse gases.

We launched in #Bariloche the National Hydrogen 2030 Meeting in which the we will discuss the production of clean energy in the country. pic.twitter.com/FlW6tBo7Jm

- Arabela Carreras (@ArabelaCarreras) May 30, 2022

The Governor Carreras said, "The trend of the consumption system poses an alarming scenario, with a lack of energy and food. It makes us look for urgent alternatives. The world demands an agenda to reduce greenhouse gases and concrete projects to determine where we are going”.

"The political parties have a unique agenda on hydrogen, in the medium and long term, and transversal. We hope that this unanimity is extended to the national level, to support the economic equation for the feasibility of this industry", she added. 

Finally, she highlighted the importance of a better quality of life for the community. "It is a global challenge but the goal is for our people to live better. And clean energies are a great opportunity".

Kulfas stressed that "this means adopting a global challenge which is the fight against climate change, using it as a vector for the economic and social productive development of Argentina. It is about generating a new stage of industrialization, of technological progress to provide answers from this part of the world".

In addition, within the framework of the project of law submitted to the National Congress on the use of renewable energies and energy efficiency, Kulfas explained, "we are working on a consensus project of law, to provide certainty and fiscal stability, and incentives to investments. We are aiming at an export industry, with a positive contribution to our trade balance due to the income of foreign currency, and the generation of thousands of direct and indirect jobs".

Beliz also highlighted the importance of this initiative: "Hydrogen is innovation and technological opportunity for Argentina. A variety of perspectives, which are being discussed by the world's main leaders. There are many entrepreneurs, businessmen and leaders of Argentina committed to this process, and our responsibility is to support with the promotion of State policies, for the design of a law that updates the current one of 2006, which was a pioneer".

Governors of Neuquén, Omar Gutiérrez, and of Jujuy, Gerardo Morales; the vice-governor of Santa Cruz, Eugenio Quiroga; national ministers, ambassadors from different countries, executives from Toyota, Total Energies, CWP Global, Fortescue Future Industries, McKinsey & Company and the Latin American Energy Agency, scientists, specialists and researchers concentrated in the Bariloche knowledge center were also present at the opening of the event.

In addition, the Governor of Tierra del Fuego, Gustavo Melella, and the General Secretary of the General Confederation of Labor, Héctor Daer, presented their views via streaming.

During the event, the discussion on the guidelines for the design of a national hydrogen strategy with a federal perspective will be deepened and Río Negro will have the opportunity to share the progress of the green hydrogen project and the productive development opportunities it brings for the province, the country and the region.

After introducing the Rio Negro Green Hydrogen Strategic Plan to the world at the Global Assembly and Exhibition in Barcelona and having been selected to host the next meeting in March 2023, the province and the country foster a dialogue and reflection space among key actors to strengthen the national policy on this issue.

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