Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

Río Negro gears up to host next Global Green Hydrogen Expo in 2023

The next Global Green Hydrogen Assembly and Exhibition will be in San Carlos de Bariloche, in March 2023. Governor Arabela Carreras announced it from Barcelona.

Fecha: 18 de mayo de 2022
Green Hydrogen Global Assembly and Exhibition in BarcelonaCrédito: Government of Río Negro

"Río Negro consolidates as a productive pole of clean energies", said the provincial governor, when she announced the event on her Twitter account. All world leaders and countries that promote this clean energy transformation to combat the effects of climate change will participate.

The next Green Hydrogen Global Assembly and Exhibition will be in #Bariloche, in March 2023. 

We are very grateful to the Green Hydrogen Organization, @gh2org, its president @TurnbullMalcolm and to @Teresaribera for their confidence in Rio Negro. pic.twitter.com/JUpWDIL3ks

- Arabela Carreras (@ArabelaCarreras) May 18, 2022

Carreras today accomplished her second day of agenda in the Spanish city, where yesterday she was a speaker at the Assembly, presenting the scope of the provincial Strategic Plan.

She also thanked the Green Hydrogen Organization; its President, Malcom Turnbull; and the Spanish Deputy Prime Minister, Teresa Ribera, for their confidence in Rio Negro. Carreras emphasized that this success "is the result of the joint work with the national minister Matías Kulfas and his team of the Ministry of Productive Development".

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