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Green Hydrogen

Students from Sierra Grande are trained on green hydrogen production

Students and teachers of CET 12, from Sierra Grande, participated in the training day developed by 4th year students of the Superior Cycle of CET 21, from Catriel, on the generation and use of Green Hydrogen.

Fecha: 10 de mayo de 2022
The main topic is the production and development of Green Hydrogen.Crédito: Government of Río Negro

Although the Technical Education and Vocational Training Department of the Ministry of Education and Human Rights promotes the workshops, the design and organization of the proposal is part of the Professional Practices of the Technical Area of CET 21, oriented in Renewable Energies.

The training will last two months and the students-trainers will be rotating. The main topic developed is the concept, production, transport, distribution and storage of Green Hydrogen.

The activities will be open to the community after school hours in the facilities of the Aula Taller Móvil de Energías Renovables, in the city of Sierra Grande.

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