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Green Hydrogen

Green Hydrogen: Provincial and National Governments will build an Educational Center in Sierra Grande

The Minister of Education and Human Rights, Mercedes Jara Tracchia, and her National counterpart, Jaime Perczyk, executed today the agreements for the construction of an Educational Center in Sierra Grande with the purpose of promoting the development of renewable energies and another one to implement and establish secondary professional education.

Fecha: 3 de mayo de 2022
Minister Perczyk, together with Palmieri and Jara Tracchia executed the agreements.Crédito: Rafael Alvian/Government of Río Negro

The event took place in the Salón Gris of the Government House and was attended by the Vice Governor, Alejandro Palmieri and the Mayors of Viedma, Pedro Pesatti and Sierra Grande, Renzo Tamburrini.

The Center will allow administrative support activities, technical assistance and research to develop a regional educational center to strengthen and provide training to the local people with a strategic view on the public policies carried out by Rio Negro in energy matters, through the production of Green Hydrogen.

"These agreements are linked to educational policy decisions. We believe that the growth and development of Argentina is the production of work and that is why this investment we are making is so important", highlighted Minister Perczyk.

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"It is necessary to reach high schools and strengthen technical education and investment in these schools; this is a strategic investment and we want to move forward in these fields. We have the obligation to transform the secondary technical schools according to the 21st century, not only to address technological problems, but also to meet the needs of today's young people," she added.

Jara Tracchia emphasized the work done together with the National Government in different programs that lead to the strengthening of the quality of education in terms of rights.

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In terms of infrastructure, she reviewed the main works that were recovered and are in process in the province; she highlighted the work with the National Institute of Technical Education in professional training and the importance of the "Conectar Igualdad" plan as a fundamental tool that allowed maintaining educational continuity in times of pandemic. 

"In each Federal Committee, we work with all the ministers of the country, based on dialogue and construction, and this work is reflected in each of the actions carried out in the province," she added.

Palmieri explained that "Río Negro is about to receive in the short and medium term one of the largest productive energy investments in the history of our country, an innovative renewable energy, unknown to us and to the people who will work in this source of employment, that is why this Educational Center has to do with adjusting the educational curriculum so that young boys and girls from the province and from the country who come to work in it, are trained for these new challenges".

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Secondary Professional Education

The authorities also executed an agreement for the implementation and beginning of the secondary professional education, with the purpose of assisting students in their technical training course.

The purpose of the initiative is to support the entry, return, continuity and achievement of secondary education with a structuring approach based on initial professional training as a key aspect to motivate students.

The purpose of the letter is to address the new social and productive problems from the point of view of professional professional secondary education in the cities of Catriel and El Bolsón.

The purpose of the letter is to address the new social and productive problems from the point of view of professional technical education with new training alternatives aimed at adolescents with discontinuous school trajectories and/or disconnected from the educational system, which address the demanded problems.

The meeting was attended by the State Secretaries of Planning, Daniel Sanguinetti; of Education, Adrián Carrizo; of Communication, Gustavo Glave; the Executive Advisor of the National Ministry of Education, Mario Caputto; the legislators Marcelo Szczygol, Marcelino Jerez, Nicolás Rochas, the legislators Graciela Valdebenito, María Inés Grandoso and the Rector of the National University of Río Negro, Anselmo Torres, among others.

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