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Green Hydrogen

Green Hydrogen: Ministry of Labor organized a new training course in San Antonio Oeste.

A new training course for waiters and waitresses was presented this Monday in San Antonio Oeste by the Ministry of Labor of Río Negro as part of the Más Futuro (More Future) program.

Fecha: 25 de abril de 2022
Minister Stopiello attended the course training openingCrédito: Government of Río Negro

This is the second training course that the Ministry of Labor carries out, after a similar one held two weeks ago in Sierra Grande.

This second course was attended by the Minister of Labor, Jorge Stopiello, the Secretary of Employment and Training of the labor agency, Francisco Pereda; the Regional Labor Delegate, Facundo Lasalle; the Secretary of Economic Development of San Antonio Oeste, Joaquín Landívar and the General Secretary of the UTHGRA union, Roberto Vargas.

In his speech, Minister Stopiello welcomed the participants and highlighted the importance of these trainings.

The training, which is in charge of Edgardo Semprini, will last until next Friday. There are 30 participants and it is being held at the Moon Salón in San Antonio.

The activity is part of the ongoing activities for the setting up of the Green Hydrogen project, which will generate an important development of urban infrastructure in the area between Sierra, Grande, San Antonio and Los Menucos, according to different plans.

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