Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

The Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (UNRN, in Spanish) supports Green Hydrogen public policies with undergraduate initiatives

As part of the institutional context, the Secretary of State for Planning, Daniel Sanguinetti, met yesterday with the Rector of the Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro (UNRN, in Spanish), Anselmo Torres, to advance in the establishment of the Green Hydrogen Institute of Rio Negro.

Fecha: 22 de abril de 2022
Sanguinetti met the Rector of the University, Anselmo Torres.Crédito: Government of Río Negro

The initiative will have a joint collaboration, between the Province and the University. Researchers will participate in areas related to the production of green hydrogen and its effect on mitigating climate change.

In addition, the authorities discussed the contents of the Degree in Green Hydrogen, to be taught by the UNRN, anticipating a first course starting in August this year.

Finally, they discussed the possibility of the UNRN developing a 3D laboratory in the Bariloche Technological Park.

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