Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

Governor highlighted the unanimous vote of the Legislature for Green Hydrogen projects

The Governor, Arabela Carreras, highlighted the unanimous vote of the entire Legislature of Río Negro in the approval of two important laws for the development of the Green Hydrogen project in the province.

Fecha: 20 de abril de 2022
The vote was unanimousCrédito: Legislature of Rio Negro

"From these projects, Argentina and Río Negro will be able to become major suppliers of clean energy to the world in the coming years," said the Governor and added: "With these actions, we contribute to the care of the environment, in a context of climate change that requires a transition to other energies".

Carreras highlighted the "collaborative work" of the entire Provincial Government team. She also highlighted the support of the President Alberto Fernández; the Minister of Production, Matías Kulfas and the Secretary of Strategic Affairs, Gustavo Béliz; and emphasized the importance of the work carried out with the different legislative blocks.

First of all, the provincial Parliament approved the law that establishes the conditions to carry out the public bidding process of about 625,000 hectares in the area of Sierra Grande for the production of Green Hydrogen.

The purpose is to grant a use of fiscal lands to the company Fortescue Future Industries, for the construction of wind farms and other buildings of the project. "It is very important the unanimity on this law, which sets the guidelines through which this project will be bidded," said Carreras.

Secondly, the Legislature approved the creation of the Ente de Promoción y Fiscalización del Complejo Productivo y Exportador de la Zona Franca de Río Negro, which will be called "Corporación Punta Colorada". It will be the largest Free Trade Zone in the national territory, with about 643 hectares.

The Corporación Punta Colorada will be an autonomous entity that will set up an Oversight Committee to supervise the fulfillment of the duties and obligations assumed by the future concession and to promote the establishment of companies in the area.

The Governor explained that this place "will be the center of the hydrogen plant and of another desalinization plant, which will avoid taking water from the fresh water sources of the province and will allow us to generate this clean energy".

"A transparent and transversal work".

The Secretary of State for Planning, Daniel Sanguinetti, also highlighted the unanimity in the approval of the laws, as a result of a "permanent, transparent and transversal" work with all the legislative blocks.

"This is another achievement that continues to strengthen the announcement that was made in November last year, with President Fernandez and Minister Kulfas from Glasgow. This announcement becomes a regulatory framework to continue moving forward", said Sanguinetti.

The Planning Minister pointed out that as a result of these laws "Rio Negro will become, in the short term, the first producer of Green Hydrogen in the country".

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