Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

Ministry of Labor celebrated the approval given by the Legislature to the Green Hydrogen project

The Minister of Labor of Río Negro, Jorge Stopiello, considered that the projects approved this Wednesday on Green Hydrogen, represent the beginning of a transformation in the regional productive matrix, and at the same time he considered that this is a significant day.

Fecha: 21 de abril de 2022
The approved projects represent the beginning of a transformation in the regional productive matrix.Crédito: Government of Río Negro

The parliament of Río Negro approved in one project the declaration of public interest of the private initiative presented by the company that plans to produce Green Hydrogen in Río Negro; and in the other one the project that establishes the Free Trade Zone in Sierra Grande.

"It is an important day for Río Negro and even for the country, because a project that we know will mean a significant change in the productive matrix of the Province and the region was approved from the institutional point of view", said Minister Stopiello.

The official emphasized that "Río Negro accepted the great challenge of pursuing a new method of production, which will also mean the generation of thousands of jobs, for which the Government has already made progress in job training through the “Más Futuro program".

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