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The provincial integration day on Management for Development took place in Allen

This Friday morning, at the facilities of the Secretariat of Fruticulture in Allen, the provincial integration day of the National Training Program "Management for Development" was presented. This event was addressed to young people with the potential to occupy leadership positions, or for those who are working in decision-making positions.

Fecha: 1 de abril de 2022
Mercedes Ibero made a presentation together with Minister Banacloy.Crédito: Government of Río Negro

This is the National Training Program implemented by the National Council of Investments and organized by the State Secretariat of Planning. More than 20 young people from the province participated in the event and the presentation of the provincial development strategies.

With the aim of getting to know the scope of development of the sectors related to technological innovation and productive development in the province, the participants from Río Negro will share an extensive day in the Alto Valle, which included visits to the Tres Ases companies, the Humberto Canale Winery and the Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle - INTA.

During the presentation of the program, the Secretary General of the CFI, Ignacio Lamothe, highlighted the importance of the event and gave it a special role within the initiatives that the CFI develops together with the provinces. "This program is a great experience for me, because it shows that young people are still backing the country," he said.

He also highlighted the political decision to destine public funds for the training of young people, analyzing the complexity of the country and the promising future. "To understand the complexity of the regions where we live is to train ourselves to be better leaders, and that is why I appreciate that the Province has bet and collaborated with this Program", he said.

"Río Negro presents a productive diversification and an extraordinary potential, this implies more complexity, and that is why being here today is an act of responsibility", he concluded.

The Vice-governor, Alejandro Palmieri, emphasized that planning, projecting and having a strategic design is as fundamental as training. "This wonderful opportunity to learn from the most qualified leaders in the areas to be addressed will be transforming, both for Río Negro and for Argentina, because as a result of this initiative they will have better technical and management staff, both public and private", he assured.

Provincial development strategies

Finally, during the presentation "Provincial Development Strategies", the Secretary of Strategic Development of the State Secretariat of Planning, Mercedes Ibero, together with the Minister of Production and Agroindustry, Carlos Banacloy, presented the main development strategies of the province, based on the management axes set forth by Governor Carreras.

Emphasizing the structural challenges, the characterization of national and international insertion, and the productive development plan, the officials highlighted the decision to generate a new productive matrix, the development of clean and sustainable energies, focusing on production and the green hydrogen strategic plan.

Other aspects addressed were modernization, science and technology, organic food production, sustainable development of the tourism industry, climate change mitigation and gender perspective, as well as the generation of innovative public policies, associative strategies with the private sector and the new role of Rio Negro in the country and the world.

"It is really very positive that they are taking advantage of this training instance, because any of us, who are actually in public management did not have", highlighted Ibero. She assured that "we are a province that has everything and is at the forefront in many issues, it is up to us to detect our potential and take advantage of our qualities”.

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