Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

"The Free Trade Zone in Sierra Grande will be very successful".

The Governor, Arabela Carreras, highlighted the importance of the agreement entered into with the President, Alberto Fernández, to set up the Free Trade Zone in Sierra Grande and explained what the next steps will be.

Fecha: 9 de diciembre de 2021
The Governor executed the agreement with the PresidentCrédito: Government of Río Negro

"It is very good news", highlighted the Governor and considered that the Free Trade Zone "will be successful from the Green Hydrogen development project, promoting the interest of investors".

She explained that there "we will build a large Industrial Park with tax benefits, as is the case of all free zones" and detailed that "the work to build this park will be put out to tender, unlike the PITBA in Bariloche, whose development was achieved with public funds".

"We are in the process of designing the rules and regulations and the specifications for the call for bids. Basically, it will be of the industrial type, linked to development technologies that are environmentally friendly. It will have a strong impact on the whole province, will contribute to the generation of the Bioceanic Corridor and will be linked to the PITBA", she explained in an interview with Radio Seis.

In this regard, she explained that with funds from the Federal Investment Council (CFI, in spanish) 18 urban planners will be employed to "help design the growth of the towns and cities closest to this development, because economic activity is expected to grow with the arrival of new inhabitants and we want to move forward in a well-planned manner"

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