Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

Fortescue will begin pre-feasibility studies

The Governor, Arabela Carreras, signed the Decree that enables the company Fortescue Fortune Industries to carry out the pre-feasibility studies related to the project for the production of Green Hydrogen and its products.

Fecha: 26 de noviembre de 2021
Carreras handed a copy of the Decree to the company's CEO, Julie ShuttlewortCrédito: Evangelina Martinez / Government of Río Negro

During the presentation of the Fortescue Investment Project, held today in the Salón Gris, the Governor handed a copy of the Decree to the company's CEO, Julie Shuttlewort.

By means of this measure, Fortescue will be able to develop the following studies, among others:

- Study of the necessary wind resources, to establish where it would be possible and suitable to build the parks for the generation of electric energy.

- Pre-feasibility studies for the construction of the transmission power lines for the electricity generated in the wind farms.

- Studies for the siting of the Green Hydrogen production plant and its by-products.

- Studies to determine the port infrastructure that will make possible the transportation and commercialization of the green products produced.

For this purpose, electrical, topographical, geotechnical, hydrological, bathymetric, environmental, archaeological, ornithological, paleontological and social analyses will be carried out.

Fortescue undertakes to use the properties exclusively for carrying out these studies and must inform the provincial authorities of the work schedule prior to the start of the work, identifying precisely the area to be worked, as well as the awareness and social communication actions with the nearby populations.

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