Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

The Province promotes training for waiters and waitresses in Sierra Grande

As part of the official program of the Government of Río Negro "Trabajo Más Futuro", this Tuesday, March 29, the enrollment for the first Professional Training Course for Waiters and Waitresses will start in the city of Sierra Grande.

Fecha: 28 de marzo de 2022
The training will be carried out as part of the Green Hydrogen Strategic Plan.Crédito: Government of Río Negro

This training will be carried out as part of the Green Hydrogen Strategic Plan, promoted by the Provincial Government. It will be organized in collaboration with the “Unión de Trabajadores Hoteleros y Gastronómicos” (UTHGRA, in spanish) between April 4 and 8 in Viedma.

The training has a total of 20 hours, distributed in 4 hours per day, during 5 days in two sessions, one in the morning (from 9 am to 1 pm) and one in the afternoon (from 4 pm to 8 pm).

This course, which will be held at 61 Bahía Blanca Street in Sierra Grande, including theoretical and practical activities. The participants will get certificates.

Enrollment for the course is in person at the Office of the Ministry of Labor in Sierra Grande, in Barrio D Prima – casa (house) No. 2.

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