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Training in technology and information technology for georeferenced information management has begun.

The Spatial Data Infrastructure of Río Negro (IDERN, in spanish), part of the State Secretariat of Planning, began training in technology and the use of computer tools for the management and processing of geo-referenced information. The training is financed by the Federal Investment Council.

Fecha: 16 de marzo de 2022
The trainings are financed by the Federal Investment Council (CFI, in spanish). Crédito: Government of Rio Negro

Since 2012, IDERN's coordination has been providing training on technological tools in Free Software, which will be in charge of companies with vast experience in the field. Thus, "Cambalache Cooperativa Geográfica" will give the courses QGIS Level I and Level III, while "KAN Territory IT" will hold the course on the development of nodes for Computer Scientists.

It is worth mentioning that the three training courses are aimed at employees of provincial and municipal organizations and the duration is two and a half months.

Representatives of the Ministries of Education, Health, Security, Public Works, Government, General Secretariat, Economy, Energy, Planning and the municipalities of Cipolletti, Viedma, Bariloche, El Bolsón, General Roca, Valcheta, Allen and Río Colorado were invited to participate.

During the presentation of the training courses, it was emphasized the importance and need for continuous training of the employees of public agencies in geomatics tools for the generation, processing and availability of geo-referenced information, in order to improve the management and planning of public policies.

"This set of trainings aims to form a work circuit or network that binds the data generating areas with the IT technical areas, allowing to make available, internally or publicly, the geo-information of the State", explained the coordinator of IDERN (in spanish), Claudia Oliveira Mattos.

She also indicated that, due to the great demand, the training plan in geotechnologies will continue during the current year and will be extended in 2023.

" This time, the State Secretariat of Planning and the IPAP (Provincial Institute of Public Administration) entered into an agreement for the exchange and use of the training platform of employees of the provincial and municipal State, providing more value to the effort", she assured. 

IDERN (in spanish)

The IDE Río Negro was set up in 2013 under decree 1839/13 as an emerging inter-institutional community generating geo-referenced data.

In the following years it included organizations and municipalities, always based on the training and promotion of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the benefits of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) as a form of open data platform.

These 10 years of experience have allowed the province to have a prominent place as representative of Patagonia in the Coordinating Team of IDERA (Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Argentine Republic), a reference organization of standards and norms to which IDERN adheres.

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