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People from Río Negro will be part of the Federal Training Program "Management for Development" organized by the Federal Investment Council

Twenty-six selected young people from different geographical areas of the province will be supported by the State Secretariat of Planning, which will act as a coordinator between the participants and the Federal Investment Council during the course.

Fecha: 10 de marzo de 2022
Twenty-six young people from Río Negro are taking part in the program.Crédito: Government of Río Negro

The main purpose of the program, aimed at young people with a potential to take up decision-making roles, is to exchange good practices in public management and successful experiences related to the strategic productive sectors of the Argentine provinces.

"Since January, from the Secretary of State for Planning, we have been working on the call and the selection of participants from all the province for the Program," said the secretary Daniel Sanguinetti.

"In this process, a group of 26 young people with a great diversity of profiles, gender and geographical representation was formed, according to the slogan of the Federal Investment Council (CFI, in spanish) and the aim set by the Secretary of State for Planning, which will act as a coordinator between the participants and the CFI during the development of the Program,"he explained.

The initiative is aimed at providing tools to formulate policies related to socio-productive development and to design innovative projects in a collaborative way, and to stimulate the creation of a federal network of leaders capable of implementing a socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable development strategy that respects the particularities of each province.

This year, the program will include the participation of leaders from nine provinces whose profiles and backgrounds were evaluated in advance by the CFI Admissions Committee. The program modules include debates for Argentine development, logistics and public services, Argentine productive structure and development policies.

"We appreciate the interest in participating in this common initiative between the provinces and the CFI, from where we are convinced that training resources will always result in good investment decisions", said the General Manager of the Program, Andrés Weskamp.

He welcomed the 300 selected -out of a total of 700 registered participants- and said: "we are looking for groups of young people with a federal outlook, because we are convinced that it is necessary to establish a new development plan in Argentina on strategic issues of the country", he said, and assured that "this requires the participation of trained young people and it is essential that we make this proposal together".

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