Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

Green Hydrogen: the committee in charge of analyzing the private initiative project had its first meeting

The Secretary of State for Planning, Daniel Sanguinetti, affirmed that, as announced by the Governor, Arabela Carreras, during her speech at the beginning of the new sessions, the committee that analyzes the private initiative from the provincial State met for the first time.

Fecha: 2 de marzo de 2022
The committee met for the first timeCrédito: Government of Rio Negro

"The diversification of the productive matrix from the generation of renewable energies is one of the management priorities; and we are already working on the basis of a project that is progressing well and in a constant way", he stated.
Sanguinetti also confirmed that the committee that analyzes the private initiative from the provincial government has already met for the first time, and mentioned that the Secretariat he heads is carrying out different actions related to the project, such as the planning and territorial organization of Sierra Grande; the coordination with the Ministry of Labor regarding training to access private jobs and substantial improvements in telecommunications in the cities and nearby areas.

During the opening speech of the 51st Period of Ordinary Sessions of the Legislature, the Governor confirmed the sending to the Legislature of the bill that will regulate the call for bids for the generation of Green Hydrogen.
"Actions to mitigate the effects of climate change are a structuring axis of our government plan. We are looking for projects that, besides allowing us to economically develop the province, have an overall beneficial impact on environmental matters", said Sanguinetti.

He also emphasized that work is being done to promote the value of the provincial public companies, with special emphasis on Eólica Rionegrina and the concrete possibility of setting up in the Industrial Park of Los Menucos.
"There is a lot of work to be done and we hope that it will be achieved, as announced by the Governor through the presentation of specific laws that will be submitted to the Legislature to be democratically discussed by all the sectors that represent the community of Río Negro", he stated.
Sanguinetti reminded that, besides the ratification of the execution of the agreement with Fortescue, the Governor remarked that the Province is aware of the possibility of other agreements that may arise.
"In this strategic view of working on this project, we have placed ourselves in a world scenario, and many companies are approaching Rio Negro with queries and intentions to invest, which must be analyzed", he said and added: "evidently there is enough opportunities for many projects and the province has a great capacity and has placed itself at the forefront in this matter at a national, Latin American and even global level".

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