Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

Clean energies and the benefits of green hydrogen are present on the beaches of Río Negro

From this weekend until the end of the summer season, tourists will enjoy rides in the first electric car in the province, educational stands and information about environmental awareness at the Las Grutas and Playas Doradas beach areas.

Fecha: 8 de enero de 2022
Clean energies will be part of summer 2022Crédito: Government of Rio Negro

The activities, organized by the Secretariat of Planning and in coordination with other areas of the Government, include the watching of educational videos on environment and green hydrogen -through the program “Haciendo Escuela”-, distribution of educational material, competitions and the possibility of taking a ride in the first electric car bought by the province, in the framework of promoting a more sustainable world.

Electric Car

Río Negro promotes the production of clean energies, and to this aim, the work of the Province and its compromise with the care of the environment, through sustainable development, will be made known.

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