Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

Las Grutas: the Province continues coordinating activities to know more about green hydrogen

As part of the summer activities carried out in the main tourist destinations, the Province continues to inform tourists and visitors to Las Grutas and Playas Doradas about the importance of the development and production of clean energy.

Fecha: 25 de enero de 2022
Tourists and residents participate in the activities in Las Grutas. Credit: Marcos Aramburu / Government of Río NegroCrédito: Credit: Marcos Aramburu / Government of Río Negro

The summer season is already a successful one in the beaches of Río Negro, where thousands of tourists enjoy the different attractions promoted by the provincial government.

In Las Grutas, among the multiple activities, tourists have the opportunity to learn more about clean energies, green hydrogen and good practices for the care of our planet.

"People take it as news, there is a lot of expectation about what Green Hydrogen is and what it is for. What is important to highlight is that it is an energy vector that does not emit carbon dioxide, one of the main greenhouse gasses, which generate global warming, droughts and even the high temperatures we are experiencing, said Martina Morana Director of Legal Affairs of the Secretariat of State Planning.

"We are coordinating the stand with the Ministry of Education, through the "Haciendo Escuela" program, where didactic material is provided, and two actresses perform a short play, especially for children, but the idea is that the whole public joins in and explains what this new energy is all about", she added.

Martín Ruiz, coordinator of "Haciendo Escuela Río Negro", explained that they are collaborating with the materials they produce on environmental education and recycling, so that people learn more about the GH project in the province".

"People are very interested because they know that it is an issue that today is essential, and that we all are being more conscious about the care of the environment," he emphasized.

On the other hand, the first electric car bought by the Province is on exhibition at the third access to the beach, so that everyone can get to know it and discover how it works, and there is even the possibility of taking a ride for those who want it.

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